A joint project of Lahore University of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology University of Gujrat, Government College University Lahore and Saarland University
Entrepreneurship 101
In this entrepreneurship course you will develop your own business idea in a team with three members. Each session will guide you through the different relevant development steps.
Get to know important theories and methods with the explanatory videos in each session!
Test your knowledge with exercises!
And finally get into action with your team! Apply the knowledge of the videos and develop your own business idea!
Ready? Steady? Go, start up!
1. Create an account
2. Choose password
3. Email address and phone number are needed to facilitate communication
- Information for students of University of Gujrat:
The course is starting on 26th. March. Kickoff will take place at 4pm (Pakistan time) via MS Teams.
- Information for students of Government College University: The course is starting on 9th. April. Kickoff will take place at 2pm (Pakistan time). Information will be shared on the platform and via email.
- Information for students of COMSATS: The course is starting soon. Exact date will be posted here.